Friday, January 14, 2011

2 Decades & 2 Years!

A wish to myself-

"Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever,
and we'll meet now and then when we wish,
in the midst of the one celebration that never can end."

- Richard Bach

Yeah, I am as old as 2 decades and 2 years.
22 years ago I was born into my family, as a mother endlessly prayed that the first born be a son, while my dad wanted a daughter and GOD said tathastu (granted) to both their wishes... *smiles* and I was born, the most happily GAY thing that ever could exist in my family!

Jokes apart, this shall be my most memorable one since I have come to terms with myself. it's like being born anew and re-learning my basics. 

As of now no plans have been scheduled, as always I am the procrastinator, but then again I like making abrupt plans. It is more enjoyable that ways, more spontaneous and lively!

- the explorer on a quest.


  1. Thanx Amber for your wishes.
    I just happened to go htrough your blogposts, which although aren't very many but they are certainly the essence of any gay girl's life.

    I too have come out to a handful of friends, but they're mostly not around due to academic reasons, apparently that's one of the reasons why this Blog happened.

    Good to have a friend onboard!

  2. A belated Happy Birthday to you, Anwesha! Hope you had an amazing day. ^_^
    - Firebolt
    PS: You should check your email more often.

  3. Hi explorer. Its definitely good to have a friend onboard especially because "we" are few in numbers and lesser opportunities to socialize with other gay girls.

    i'm not really good at writing, i write to somehow express myself, its like when you are living a secret and you know others are living it too you'd want to share it with them. Its liberating.

  4. Thanx Amber
    You don't really have to be a great writer as long as what you write is derived from genuine feeling.. .. and I see that in what you post. You're definitely lucky to have a mate whom you can share it all with.

    Yes it's like learning a new language, you need some one to talk to who can speak the same language too...
    Yes it's definitely liberating.
