Sunday, January 29, 2012

I am just a kid...

I am just a kid, 
I know nothing about anything.
you may ask me about the math and tell me about the planets,
you might try interesting me in the arts or bore me about new gadgets...

What care I about your sciences, math or arts...
I see the sun set in the west & in the east it starts,
I feel the call of the early birds twittering away for a worm
and that is music enough for me to last me any storm.

I have seen the turtles lay their eggs, when they feel to watch there is none...
and I have seen the crocs dig there by till all I counted was- one.
These are my friend's pet turtles
Yet, I have counted him amongst the hundreds that have hatched on that turf...
and make a run from the beach and through the sand to reach the surf.

Such uncountless things consume my thoughts,
whatever I have learnt, to me nature has taught.
Hence, do not seek me amongst my kind,
The true me, there you shall never find.
for I am just a kid,
I know nothing about anything...

What doth ye desire?

The one phenomenon that assures peace.
You can silence things, you can silence animals and you can silence people. Whether you do it through coercion or force, it does not really matter.

What matters is, “Can you silence yourself?”

The very few times I have been able to attain just that, I have been at peace, almost like a trance... like as if absolutely nothing could affect me. 
Today was one of those exceptional times that I could achieve that serenity. In that frame of mind, a singular question resonated in my mind...
All of us at some point in our lives question the raison d'être. The causes usually vary from family and friends, career goals, vengeance, many a times it’s just for the love of life and discovery of the new.
All these reasons create a desire, a strong sense of wanting, that ties us firmly to life as we know it.
So we live on…

For someone who has little or no care for those things, the question in my mind repeats itself. Why life? what doth ye desire?
It resonates in me, like the echo of bells even after they have stopped ringing. It unsettles my mind and I sense it flinch.

Desires… I seem to have run out of those.
When I see a lone bird across the sweltering skies, the blades of grass decorated with the summer’s dew, a doggy wagging its tail at me even when it knows that all I can afford is a pat or a rub, it gladdens my heart. There are several things that are capable of making my mind smile, be content, and rejoice in those little joys that fill my existence with warmth and hope.

But these are not what humans define as desires, desires are those that lead you on, desperately… keep you going even in the toughest of times and fill you with the hope and the fantasy of achievement even before you have partially accomplished your task to fulfill a desire.

Yes, I do have my share of family and friends and they do care for me. I had a set of goals for myself—to get into a good college, to excel in at least one extra-curricular activity, to graduate with distinction, to become a journalist and then an editor. I have scored successfully on each of these tasks.  I have also been in love, once in my life… it was beautiful indeed! I have shared my life with the person I thought I could not live without, and yet here I am pretty complete even without her. And no, I am not bitter towards love or for that matter the very person I loved. It seems pretty much like been there done that sort of a thing. Yet, I shall not say that I have done all that one may in a lifetime. However existence does not excite me.
I do care for my loved ones, and my work. But that desire, I feel is not strong enough to keep me tethered to life.

And again I come back to the same question— what doth ye desire?

I visited my granny yesterday; she asked me what I wanted as a birthday gift. I replied, ‘nothing’. She continued, “I have received that answer from many, and yet I know that in the heart of their hearts, most desire something and a few desire someone. Yet, I find you actually meaning what you speak and this I understand through my years of experience.”
She went on to add, “You seem to care for nothing you own, like life would be just the same without those things, and even with people the emotion is repeated. You care for them in your own little ways that sometimes even go unnoticed.
What exactly appeals to you? Why do you behave like a bairaagi (hermit)?—
What doth ye desire?”

Hmm… and there again I come to my central idea, my difficulty with existence which questions my very raison d'être.

And now I am unable to silence myself.
One word describes me best—the one word that has been ruling my life since the time that my realisations exist—STOIC. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A children's day spent well..- Nov 14, 2011.

t's 14 Nov. 2011, Children's Day!
I'm at Fame Raghuleela.. Waiting for Tintin & the adventures secret of
the unicorn
so I gt the tickets frm
and i land myself in a soup as The box office manager tells me that
tne entire cinema hall has been pre-booked by a school- The Mahatma
education Society!
Simply fabulous, i thought..
But then the box office guy managed to get me a decent seat amongst the kids.
I took my seat and was getting quite impatient.. And then amidst
cheers the students entered the theatre..
the national anthem that followed was the liveliest that i have ever
experienced at any movie theatre before!
The movie is quite amazing, its a Steven Spielberg movie & I must say
that it has lived up to its name.
I couldn't decide which character i loved most between Tintin & Snowy.
But it was awesome fun to watch the movie with all those school kids..
I made a few new friends. Comforted a lil girl who was terrified as
Tintin's plane crashed through a rain storm.
Helped a teacher break up a fight between two rowdy boys..
The movie ended with a loud applause, u should hv been here Mr.
Spielberg to enjoy it..
the teachers quickly took their positions at the exits..
As I headed towards one of the exit, a teacher held onto my hand and
asked where I was headed. The very next moment she realised that I
ain't one of her students, she hurriedly apologised, "oh! Ur look very
alike a naughty lil boy from my class!"
"sure no worries I replied, all the while wondering that is it my
height or haircut that makes me look like a kid!"
Overall, i thoroughly enjoyed Tintin !
best experience i've ever had.. Thanx bookmyshow for messing up my
booking & placing me with these kids.