Friday, February 4, 2011

Showdown with my Sis!

I write, right now as I speak to my sister after a period of 3 days.
Three days ago at around four am in the morning, I came out to her. She was dumbstruck and told me not to be mad, also she mentioned that I must not say things due to outside influence, or cause someone said so. Also she asked me who was my partner and when I replied I hadn't any she again reminded me not to be an ass. After that she went off to sleep asking me to go to sleep too as she had school next morning and I had to go to office. For the next three consecutive days we only looked at each other staring and moving on.
I felt that if she didn't want to come forth and ask me or tell me anything, then I had nothing to say to her either.

Today finally after my friends Smile & the Bollywood chatter box, told me that I was totally being an ass with mad cow disease, that I decided that I must talk to my sister. Upon returning from office, after my sister had, had her dinner, I indicated to her to come to our room. She did. I asked her if she wished to speak to me and after a mutual disagreement over the fact that we were totally being asses, we shared a hearty laugh. She tells me about the farewell they gave to their seniors from standard 10th (She is currently in STD 9)

After a lot of freaking out and calling me- "Are you mad?" for the umpteenth time and saying things like- "What are you gonna tell our dearest parents and what about the rest of the world and just imagine granny's state of mind when she comes to know! I calmly replied, "Yes, each one of them is going to be in one word - SCANDALIZED!" Think about it again, my sister continues with her rants; how will you live alone and who will be there to take care of you, imagine what people will say to our parents. She gives me the example of a maternal cousin who decided to marry an out of the caste guy and she was strongly criticised (but that is because she married a drunk who is a kind of douchebag, all the while thinking that she could save him and all that sorta thing… I wonder sometimes why some girls have this 'go save the guys and they will change after marriage attitude')

I understand that she is apprehensive, she is totally scared shitless. She worries, she frets, she wonders whether I can change!
Finally she gives in and says, I am with you whatever  it is…!
I breathe free, I now have an ally on the home base.


  1. Good to hear that things are alright with your sister again. She will fret and she will worry, that's a fact. But that she will support you come what may, that is also a fact. And it's only a guess which one bears more weight. :)

  2. P.S. I like your pictures. Quite good!

  3. Firebolt- you're a man after my own heart, you are right about what you spoke and speak of my sis.

    and yeah, making photographs is just something I do when I either see something beautiful that needs to be shared with all or... if I am with people and don't know what to say or do with them!

  4. shes too young to digest all of this..but i sure hope things will be alright :)
    btw that's a good idea to click pictures when you don't know what to do with people around you..happens with me a lot!

  5. @Amber: My sis has taken it in her stride, it was tough but,nevertheless it is done!
