Thursday, February 17, 2011

Random Rhymes- I wanna run away

I wanna run away, on a rainbow to a place full of bright 
sunshine, where the flowers bloom and it never is twilight!
a place where you just can't define 
and yet everything is align
to the rays of sunlight cutting out of the skies
eclipsed by the clouds' dark ties.

Where the dew seems to linger
a little bit longer
despite the breaking dawn's
might, to send it away from the leaves and lawns.

I wanna swim away to sunny shores lonely
from the human touch, to watch the surf idly
as I sit back in the warm golden sands
and feel it slip through my hands
while I watch the moon take its place
besides the stars and planets from outer space.

I wanna fly away to alcoves in
the snow peaked mountains, for a spin.
Watching the one place on earth that will not be fenced
for security, for defense, for offence or any other pretense.

I wanna be away
from the illusion of control in anyway

-17th Feb. 2011.

I've been busy with nothing lately, everything seems to be hazy, muddled up, a lot of new topics are brought into my conscious, I think of various new topics to post on my blog but never end up writing them.

Am down with a bad cold.. that is the only health related problem that can actually make me freak out.. I don't mind being cut, scratched, burnt, any sort of aches, but Cold.. I mind very much... it kinda chokes me.. I have had this little bronchital thing in my childhood and it hasn't really gone away. Alright, I have bored you enough with illnesses, I actually hate talking about not being well. If ever I am unwell no one ever knows unless I am in a critical life or death situation in which case the poor doctors are trying to set me alright and that is about the only info you will get related to me not being well.

Yeah I hate being weak, I never complain about illnesses and if I am too bad, you simply won't see me cause i will be cooped up in my room and take an off from whatever is up for that day.. so no one has really seen me lying down .. complaining or cribbing about not being well or stuff like that.

So yeah, that's the reason I haven't been around my virtual space for such a long.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Random Rhymes- YOU KNOW YOU WANNA GO...

You know you wanna go,
but what is it that's keepin you?
Is it the longing in the soul
or dreadful fear of what you not know?

Is it something some one said
or just something in your head?
That follows you close at heels,
following- nipping- biting as you feel

you wanna unshackle the hold,
lookout for those things untold.
Run out in a heady rush,
reach for it that spears your thrust.

Leave behind in your follow
all those things old and sallow.
Shout out to them once and for all-
"keep away from me, do not stall...
..for what I need utmost at now
is to say good bye and take my final bow!"

Friday, February 4, 2011

Just another conversation!

14:52:30 me: had lunch?

14:52:47 my big brother: yup
14:53:00 my big brother: fruit plate and lassi
14:53:02 my: big brother and u?
14:53:25 me: I had a stewed cauliflower along with chapatis
14:53:43 me : are you dieting by a long chance
14:53:51 my big brother: nope
14:54:04 my big brother: just 4 short meals a day theory
14:54:34 my big brother : 10,1,4,8
14:55:28 me : and what exactly do you have at each of these particular time periods
14:56:17 my big brother : breakfast, lunch, tea time and dinner
14:56:36 my big brother : nothing much re
14:57:09 my big brother : its random.. fruits, juice, bhaaji poli.... depends
14:58:43 me : hmm.. healthy eating?
14:58:56 me : and you exercise too, don't you?
14:58:59 my big brother  : yup
14:59:24 my big brother : just half n hour
15:01:15 me : so what kind of exercise do you involve yourself into
15:02:08 my big brother : nothing much... some body stretch types and push ups
15:02:24 my big brother : sometimes walk
15:03:11 me : I walk daily atleast 5kms
15:04:05 me : Don't laugh now but I do around 35-40 push ups and 10-15 sit ups
15:04:51 my big brother : 40 push ups?
15:04:56 my big brother : impossible
15:05:02 my big brother : liar
15:05:05 me : I knew you would say that
15:05:32 me : anyways I have started doing them recently and I have realised that my back hurts and so do my thighs
15:05:41 me : and yeah I am not a liar
15:06:14 me : you may not believe it for all you care, but the fact for me does not change
15:06:19 my big brother : you mean 40 in one set
15:06:23 me : yes
15:06:30 me : just once in a day
15:06:40 me : right after I come back from office
15:06:52my big brother: that too after office
15:06:55 my big brother : not possible
15:07:01 my big brother:  not at all
15:07:10 my big brother: swapnat ( in your dreams )
15:09:32 me : jau de.. (let it pass)
15:09:48 me : if you don't wanna believe it's ok
15:09:57 me : You can come home sometime
15:10:01 me : I'll challenge you
15:10:26 my big brother : will do that soon
15:10:47 my big brother : I am so eager to see your face after 40 push ups
15:11:12 me : hmm.. it just looks a little flushed and sweaty
15:11:42 my big brother : i thought faint and pale
15:11:45 my big brother: ha
15:13:06 me : (silly boy)
15:13:22 me : I am not as unhealthy as you thin
15:13:28 me : *think
15:13:39 me : so how many can ou do?
15:13:45 my big brother : ahhh... i thought thin
15:14:05 me :  
how many can you manage?
15:14:54 me : ohh.. I have started .. from last week only
15:14:16my big brother: manage my foot
15:14:32 my big brother : from last week only I touched 40
15:15:05 my big brother: that too after 1 month
15:15:15 my big brother: thats y I said not possible
15:15:24 my big brother : I am doing it from last month
15:21:00 me : okay, then get prepared to accept that Girls are stronger
15:21:07 me : or atleast i am
15:21:09 me : 
15:21:37 my big brother : you are a girl? is it? really?
15:21:51 me : huh?
15:22:02 me : what kind of a question is that?
15:22:37 my big brother: girls don't do maraamari, bhai giri, bossing
15:22:41 my big brother : 
15:22:46 me : haan?
15:22:52 me : I think you need to get married
15:23:01 me : you would know girls truly then!
15:23:26 my big brother: ha haha
15:24:22 me : 

Just a conversation

12:07:33 my big brother 
If I may say..... good morning ma'm
12:07:47 me 
good morning, Sir
12:08:11 my big brother 
and... hows life?
12:08:29 me 
you must ask that to life itself!
12:08:40 my big brother 
whose life?
12:09:05 me 
12:11:05 my big brother 
busy icon? u really busy or just pretending
12:11:17 me 
12:11:51 my big brother 
trying for what?
12:12:43 me 
my world is a world of words, they may mean nothing at times and yet they are everything to anyone who can understand
12:13:15 me 
Lets cut out all the pride and deception..
12:13:25 me 
you tell me me, wassup with you?
12:13:43 my big brother 
arrrrgh... chkkar aali mala (You make me feel dizzy)
my big brother you are good content writer
12:14:12 me 
Thank you for the compliment
12:14:27 me 
but I am still stuck with red heads
12:14:54 my big brother 
you can write things that nobody will understand yet feel fascinated about ur writing
12:14:57 my big brother 
12:15:37 my big brother 
then try somewhere else na... Y are u wasting time... urs and there as well
12:15:50 my big brother 
12:17:44 me 
Yes, I do feel that way at times, but most of us Humans share this streak of self depreciation and encouragement is usually a hard to come thing, more expensive than onions!